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Benefits to Employer
Wellness Consultants, LLC knows that we can help improve your business by implementing our wellness program and provide proven benefits to you and your employees.
- Reduction of Employer and Employee Health Insurance Cost by participating in an Employee Wellness Program.
- Reduced worksite Absenteeism
- Improve Employee Morale
- Enhanced Overall Quality of Life
- Decreased Body Fat
- Increased Muscular Strength and Endurance
- Improve Metabolism
- Complete Cholesterol Screening
- Ongoing support for your specific health goals
Benefits to the Employee
Additionally, your employees will benefit from this program which is designed to do the following four points.
- The health history screening is designed to identify any of your health/medical concerns which may require a physician's release prior to participating in a wellness program.
- Provide information about current fitness levels and allow for comparison to national norms for individuals of the same age and gender.
- Allow us to develop a custom exercise program to fit your needs based on your fitness assessment results and personal goals.
- Help motivate you to stick with your personalized training program and allow for future re-testing to measure your improvement.